Licensed Home Childcare
(0-12 years)
Schoolhouse Playcare Centres of Durham is a reputable licensed childcare organization that has been serving Durham Region for more than 40 years. Given this experience, we offer licensed home childcare services throughout the region. Providers who would like to become licensed through Schoolhouse Playcare Centres of Durham go through a detailed screening process that includes home visits as part of the selection process. Once providers are licensed through us, they are contracted to provide licensed home childcare. To ensure the integrity of the programs and to ensure they comply with the CCEYA (Child Care and Early Years Act), we provide regular administrative and licensing support, conduct monthly monitoring visits, quarterly health and safety visits. Additionally, we provide ongoing resources and support to ensure the provision of a high-quality home childcare experience for families.
For more information, please contact:
Manager of Licensed Home Child Care
Tamara Stewart
Supervisor of Licensed Home Child Care - Waitlists and General Inquiries
Carolyn Nieuwstraten