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March Break Overnight Camp

(9-12 years)


Our March Break Overnight Camp is a unique 4-night, 5-day overnight camp experience in partnership with YMCA Camp Pinecrest, specifically designed with youth 9-12* years in mind!  Campers will sleep in winterized cabins and dine together in a winterized dining hall. Campers will participate in a variety of outdoor experiences that may include Nordic skiing, snow tubing, snowshoeing/nature hikes, broomball, back country skiing, low and high ropes, archery, natural art experiences, hikes, quinzhee building and campfire building. Evening programming will keep campers engaged and entertained as they participate in traditional camp theme nights! All programming experiences will be facilitated by YMCA Camp Pine Crest Outdoor Educators and groups will be supervised/supported by SPC supervisors. Bus transportation is included.​


*Must be minimum 9 years old by March 1st, 2025


Questions? Call or email Christina Baker at 905-728-7740 ext. 209

To register, complete the registration package in the March Break Camp Guide and submit to your centre supervisor by Friday, January 31st, 2025. Submissions will be date & time stamped.


Program Cost
Cost includes bus transportation, accommodations, snacks and meals, programming, and
supervision. Payment will be withdrawn from your bank account on Friday, March 7th, 2025 (our regular billing cycle). There will be no refunds issued for cancellations.

Location & Dates
YMCA Camp Pine Crest
Monday, March 10th – Friday, March 14th
(Bus will leave the SPC Head Office at 9:15 a.m. on Monday, and return to the SPC Head Office at 3:45 p.m. on Friday)

YMCA Camp Pine Crest is located at 1090 Gullwing Lake Rd. Torrance ON,
P0C 1M0, and is about a 2-hour drive from the SPC Head Office in Whitby, ON.

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